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About Us

Welcome to the Oxfam Bookshop

Our bookshop is 100% managed and run by a group of dedicated volunteers

We are an agency of Oxfam Australia, and all proceeds from our shop go to support their work

All our stock is donated, recycled books, which our volunteers sort, clean, price and shelve for sale

The shop started as a street trading stall outside an Adelaide supermarket in the 1970s, supporting Oxfam Australia’s predecessor, Community Aid Abroad

Over time, the shop expanded, shifted location several times, until 1992 when it came to its home at 5 Hutt Street.
Until 2000, the shop traded on Tuesdays and had monthly weekend sales

In 2000, the shop started opening three days per week, and discontinued the sales

The premises was renovated in 2008, allowing a greater amount of stock to be carried

Since that time, the opening hours have been gradually expanded to their present five days per week

2022 saw the shop moved to new, more spacious premises, and to the development of an Online service


                    Front lounge