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DEWAR, Isla - The woman who painted her dreams

DEWAR, Isla - The woman who painted her dreams


  • $8.00

A sturdy wilful child, Madeline Green adores her father, her hero, her Ted. She thinks him a wonder. When he dies, Madeline, still in her teens, stumbles forward into life with one burning ambition - to paint. She makes friends with Annie and her wayward husband, Willie. She finds solace in her relationship with Stuart, her pal, lover, soulmate. Moves into his dilapidated country house. Living removed from the world, Madeline's aspirations seem to slip away. Seeking release from her turbulent wild imaginings whilst sleeping, Madeline discovers the true Madeline, and finds, recognition. Or rather, recognition finds her. And she realises that life is not a straight path from childhood to her goals. It is her mistakes, wrong turnings, her misunderstandings, distractions and absurdities that make her 'The me I am'.

Published: 2002

ISBN: 9780747261582

No. pages: 373

Condition: FAIR - softcover - 275g

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